financial services company succes story Synebo

Meet the hero Meet the hero

The Synebo’s client is an organization that opens and maintains U.S. investment and retirement accounts from Israel. They help clients with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more. They have licenses for conducting financial operations in both the United States and Israel.

The challenge The challenge

The Synebo’s client used the outdated CRM system Act!, which no longer met their needs. They sought Synebo’s help to migrate data to Salesforce and implement Salesforce Financial Cloud to improve their CRM functionality.

The main challenges included:

1. Data Migration Accuracy: Ensuring accurate and complete data migration from Act! to Salesforce. This required meticulous data cleansing and validation to maintain data integrity.

2. Customized Financial Cloud Implementation: Designing and implementing Salesforce Financial Cloud to align with the client’s specific business needs. This involved configuring Salesforce to handle the unique data structures and workflows of Profile Investment Services.

In summary, Synebo’s challenge was to migrate data from Act! to Salesforce and customize Salesforce Financial Cloud to meet Profile Investment Services’ needs while ensuring data integrity and effective functionality.

About the client
Finance and banking
Even Yehuda, HaMerkaz, Israel
Founded in
The beginning of the project
Jun 2023
The end of the project
Apr 2024

Our solution

Synebo’s migration of the client’s data from Act! to Salesforce, including the implementation of Salesforce Financial Cloud, involved several key enhancements to ensure a seamless and efficient transition:

1. Comprehensive data mapping and transformation. Before the migration, we conducted several sessions with the client to identify and create necessary fields in Salesforce. This included splitting and transforming data to fit into appropriate fields, ensuring accurate and organized data migration.

2. Customized form implementation. We implemented a custom form for the client to use during phone calls, capturing specific information and fields required for their business processes. This tailored form streamlined data entry and improved client interaction efficiency.

3. Integrated calendar and scheduling. A calendar feature was developed to allow for scheduling meetings directly within Salesforce. This integration ensured that all appointments and meetings were seamlessly managed within the CRM system.

4. Compliance with US regulations. Given the client’s operations in the US, we integrated DocuSign for the documentation signing process to comply with legal requirements. This ensured that all documents were signed securely and met regulatory standards.

5. Additional business requirements. We also integrated Outlook and Zoom to enhance communication and scheduling capabilities. These integrations ensured that all client interactions and meetings were efficiently managed within Salesforce.

In summary, Synebo’s solution for Profile Investment Services included comprehensive data mapping, custom form implementation, integrated calendar and scheduling, compliance with US regulations, and additional business integrations, ensuring a smooth and effective transition to Salesforce Financial Cloud.

Here are just a few of the amazing things that the Synebo team accomplished while handling every aspect of the project
– Error-free data migration from the outdated system Act!
– Customized financial cloud implementation
– Adressing compliance aspects
Technologies used
Admin customization tools
Salesforce dev tools
3rd party integrations
Provided services
Integration with 3rd Party
Long term support
Salesforce Consulting
Project Management
Data migration
Financial cloud implementation

The results The results

As the Synebo’s client’s employees became more familiar with Salesforce’s capabilities, we implemented and refined new features to meet their evolving business needs. Our top Salesforce consultant conducted several sessions with the company’s head and team members, gathering regular feedback to ensure the system met their requirements. This ongoing collaboration led to a highly customized Salesforce Financial Cloud implementation, covering all aspects of their business operations.

At the end of the day, the tailored solution has significantly improved their data management and client interaction processes, making their operations more efficient. We continue to enhance and expand the system based on user feedback, ensuring it remains effective and responsive. This iterative approach has not only optimized their CRM functionality but also positioned them for future growth and scalability.

Accurate data migration and transformation
Accurate data migration and transformation
Customized workflow automation
Customized workflow automation
Seamless integration with third-party tools
Seamless integration with third-party tools

Project Scope and Team Structure

10 months
Project duration
Project working hours
4 specialists
The team involved: Salesforce Developers, Salesforce Administrator, Saleforce Consultant, Project Manager
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